Getting Started
We’re so happy to be working alongside you in this implementation. Let me be the first to welcome you to the Nakoa team and congratulate you on making a great decision to select Filevine. Most firms are excited to get started, but also have questions about the process of implementation. Let’s get started! The implementation process is broken up into 5 main phases.
Phase 1 - Discovery Call
Phase 2 - SOW & Invoice
Phase 3 - Configure & Build
Phase 4 - Migrate & Test
Phase 5 - Training & Go Live
If you’re reading this, then you are already likely at the start of Phase 1 - Discovery Call and Phase 2 - SOW & Invoice. Once you’ve signed the Nakoa Statement of Work (SOW) and paid your invoice online, you will be assigned an Implementation Consultant (IC) to work with on the next three phases of implementation. Let's talk on a high level about each of these phases, what you can expect, and what’s expected from your firm in the Implementation Overview.